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Cyprus | Croatia| France | Greece | Italy | Malta | Portugal | Canary Islands | Southern Spain & Boutique Mallorca | Turkey
All are just a short 2 to 4 hours flight from the UK.
Facts about The Mediterranean
The coast of the Mediterranean runs past 22 countries.
The five largest islands in the Mediterranean are Sicily, Sardinia, Cyprus, Corsica and Crete.
There are over 1,400 Greek Islands, of which only 227 are inhabited and only 78 have more than 100 inhabitants.
Crete is the largest Greek island, followed by Euboea and Lesbos.
More than forty-five beaches in Cyprus have been awarded the EU Blue Flag for cleanliness and safety.
The official name of Spain is ‘The Kingdom of Spain’.
The Canary Islands is derived from a Latin term which translates to ‘Island of the Dogs’.
There are thirteen Canary Islands, which are Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro, La Graciosa, Alegranza, Isle de Lobos, Montana Clara, Rogue del Este and Rogue del Oeste.
Tenerife’s flag is the same as Scotland’s.
With over 7,000 years of history, Malta is home to some of the world’s oldest free-standing structures, including the UNESCO-listed Megalithic Temples, which predate the Egyptian pyramids.
Malta is one of the smallest countries in the world and holds the record for the highest population density in the European Union.
Portugal has had the same defined borders since 1139, making it the oldest nation-state in Europe.
Portugal produces 70% of the world’s cork exports. Main importers of Portuguese cork are: Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. The country also has the largest cork forest.
Portugal has the longest bridge in Europe. The Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon is 10.5 miles (17 kilometres) long.
A popular misconception is that the capital of Turkey is Istanbul, when in fact it’s actually Ankara.
Turkey introduced coffee to Europe.
Santa Claus is from Turkey! Saint Nicholas was born far from the North Pole, in Patara.

Hotels & Resorts in The Mediterranean
“There’s no such thing as the best hotel, just the right one…”
Click for Booking Terms, Price Guides & Flight Information
All price guides are Per Person Sharing Double Room (Entry level), based on travel between May and/or June when prices are generally at their lowest and include promotional offers.
Supplements will probably apply at other times, particularly mid-summer in the Med, and for rooms and/or transfers arranged for single travellers.
For example, the Caribbean and Indian Ocean prices for winter can be approximately double the May – June level and about 50% more in Asia.
For the Mediterranean & Canary Islands, Caribbean, Arabia and the Indian Ocean (except Sri Lanka) price guides generally include airfare and transfers.
*For Sri Lanka and Far East we show a per person per night hotel guide, excluding air fare, as arrangements tend to be individually tailored multi-centre itineraries.
Please refer to Travel Advice on our home page or look at www.fco.gov.uk as the Foreign Office may have issued specific destination information on safety and terrorism.
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